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Students Rights Party

If I told you that 25 percent of America had no right to be represented, no right to vote, few rights at all, you would be outraged.  How can a country as free as ours do such a thing to a quarter of this country?  How can I help?  Where can I sign up?
What if I told you that this group that I'm referring to is people under the age of 18?

This party is formed so that people under the age of 18 can have a voice.  We also welcome people sympathetic to our cause such as children's rights advocates and others cast away by their own party.  Welcome, our door is always open.

What's New?

Platform has been modified.  Do look for some more changes on this website starting soon.

Student Rally

The petition that I mentioned elsewhere on this page is up. If you know others who agree with its intent, be sure to tell them about it.

Always interested in any comments or suggestions concerning this site or our efforts at bringing about true democracy to this country.

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